Thursday, September 6, 2007

Self Care

Are you taking good enough care of yourself? Do you have moments for yourself?

You know, of course, that if you aren't taking good care of yourself, you aren't much good to your children. Sure, you may be able to provide structurally for them, housing, food, clothing, etc. But if you aren't taking care of yourself, emotionally, spiritually, you can't be present for them emotionally or spiritually either.

Everyone is different; 10 minutes meditation each day might be perfect for one person; taking a belly-dance class might work for another. The point is that you need something specific that is solely yours; time for you alone, with no one around for you to caretake.

So, what is it that you need? What aspect of your life have you been neglecting? Do you need help sorting through the detritus of life, to find where you can find yourself?